The Juju List: The Most Effective Step-By-Step Money Getting System For All Service Providers... Your Minutes Away From Flooding Your Mailbox With Lea
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The Most Effective Step-By-Step Money Getting System For All Service Providers... Your Minutes Away From Flooding Your Mailbox With Leads!!!
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Ride The iPhone CRAZE As It Pours Money Into Your Bank Account Every Time You Open Your Email
"This System Was Created for Contractors by a Contractor"...
April 12 2009
From: Matthew Shields
Dear Friend,
I'm sure your looking for a system that will simply get you more money, right? My friend you're in luck The Juju List is proven to send leads pouring into your mail box no matter what the screwy economy is doing,
Give me just a few minutes to chat about the system that will change the way you do business.
My name is Matthew Shields, and I'm a State of Ohio certified Electrical Contractor who hates being a contractor.'s true, I really felt unfulfilled when I would come home at night. I always felt that I could help so many more people in other ways.
Fortunately, I have always been computer savey and for an industry who typically does not use the computer much, I found it really helpful to get projects from the internet for my contracting company.
OK...I'm not a mind reader but I think I know what your thinking right now....The internet doesn't work for the contracting business, or my customers don't look online when they need something done...HORSEPUCKY...everyone looks online for everything. Check out the video below you'll learn just how many people are searching online for our services each and every day. Yes.... those of you have a web page and don't use it don't worry I'll set you straight in a few minutes. ...A web page is a tool I'll also show you in a video below how to turn it into the most profitable tool in your box.
Ok look I'm sure you feel the same way as I did about always having to hop from one job to another. As soon as you finished one project you would have to go and hunt for more work..There is a better way...
"Look The time has come to poo or get off the pot"
Sure you can spread your web out further and further and grow your client list, you might even get so big that you need to hire people to keep up with the work flow...
What happens when the work faucet starts to get turned off, or worse yet is completely turned off all together the scrambling really starts, am I right?..I know I've been there too
At one point I had 8 guys working for me...I had enough work to keep that many people working full-time..not bad, just a small shop.
Sure I was making money but I also had to run all over the place to try and get enough work for every one. As the economy started to slow down so did the work. It got more and more difficult to find enough work for everyone so I was forced to let good guys go...I knew at that point I had to do something to stop this from happening...
Then, when I thought things can't get any worse, they did...
I was expecting a few large checks to come in any day. As the days passed by, I kept telling myself any day now...
I'm sure you know where I'm going with this because I'm sure many of you have been in the same position.. Of course.... the checks never came in.
I remember the exact day. It was July7th when I realized that I had to change something about the industry. I wasn't going to take this any longer That's when The Juju List started
I sat down one night at a favorite restaurant of mine and drew out what I was looking for in the perfect client and what I didn't want I still have the napkin...I'll send a copy of it to you if you want....
Anyway the list broke down something like this
Stop Now!!!!
I don't want to have to worry were the next job will come from
* I don't want to drive all over town anymore and sit for hours in traffic just to look at projects that don't turn into any work
* I don't want to spend thousands on advertising to get leads
* I don't want to have to call past clients to see if they need more work
* I don't want to have to learn new things that requires training.
* I don't want to waste my life away worrying
My Hankerings!
* I want to have projects located close to home.
* I want to have a list of people who need my service and I can choose the projects that work into my schedule
* I want to spend more time with my family.
* I want an income that will give my family more than we need.
* I want to know that there are more projects available to me with out having to go out and search for them.
* I want to make sure to include technology so that my company does not get left behind in the future
* I want a system that will be easy to use.
* I want to have the system find work for me.
* I want projects to come into me if I was looking for them or not and not have to pay for those leads.
* I want (and need) to start making money right now
The Juju List
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As you can see, my list of "Don't Wants" was quite long.. I thought of more that didn't make it onto the napkin..but fortunately I was able to solve them all and then some.
And guess what...
I made it happen!!!!
I took my napkin and designed a system around my "do's & Don'ts"nothing is as sweet as a well laid out plan that comes together...
After filling a few real pieces of paper with people who I thought could help me with my idea I soon found out that I was not getting the support I thought I would have. I seem to remember a common phrase...
what was it again..
Ah yes.
.."Get your head out of your @%$"
...supportive huh...., but it was exactly what I needed to hear.
You see I tend to be a bit of a stubborn S.O.B.....When I'm told I can't do something it makes me want to do it that much more. Can you relate? The thoughtful coddling I was receiving was adding fuel to my fire.
Of course I had no idea how I was going to accomplish all of my list but I set out on a path to make sure it happened.
I knew the system had to involve technology so I started off with doing some research into what people were searching for when they needed an electrical contractor. This is known as keyword research. Check out the video'll be amazed at what you learn.
The Juju List
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So I knew I was in the right area but I needed a way to get a piece of the action.
I quickly found out this was an expensive action to learn! Really..... I wish I could tell you how many credit cards I maxed out in my search...
Seriously, I spent tens of thousands of dollars that I didn't have (remember, they were credit cards, and lots of em) trying to find a way to make my dream work
I can say that between all of the different schools, seminars, and training's. I spent $38,797.00 on learning what I needed to... and months working, on building the answer to my problems
When I started I didn't:
* know how to create a website
* I didn't know how to optimize a website
* I didn't know how to set up a payment system
* I didn't know any computer language
* I didn't know how people would find me on the internet
* I didn't know what an auto responder was
* I didn't know how the internet would keep me in touch with my clients
* I didn't know how to set up web stat's to monitor traffic
* I'd never run an online/off line campaign before
I'm sure you're probably thinking that I didn't know much about anything that I was doing...... All I have to tell you is your right!
But what I did have was my stubborness...that's got to count for something right?
So what happened next?
Simple I got down to work...I started laying out a plan for the system and then breaking it down into chunks and solving one problem at a time.
After months of tweaking this, and adjusting that I had the beginnings of an amazing lead generation system.
Then I finally hit pay dirt, I met a guy buy the name of Kevin. Kevin is world renowed for his skills and is often called on by the government to put his knowledge to use. Fortunately he has a coaching program that I knew I had to be a part of.
I got to know other people in his coaching program and befriended many of them. This amazing group of people had such diverse backgrounds that I was able to learn parts of my system from each of them.
When I approached Kevin and explained that I have some incredible ideas to help many other people. He of course wanted to know a bit more about my plans...
I've worked so hard on everything up to this point and wasn't sure that I could trust Kevin yet...for all I knew he might have had a factory of workers pumping out products. So I asked him to sign a non-compete/non-disclosure agreement...a little trick I learned from a lawyer a few years back
The ink wasn't even dry on the agreement yet when I started yapping...
Kevin was blown away by what I had in mind and was eager to get as much information from me as he could...Thats a bit better then having my head up my @%$ wouldn't you say?
It was shortly thereafter that my life started to change...I learned a very valuable bit of information. I learned that to make it big you needed to either know the right people or keep spending money and time to find the right answer to your problem
Well...maybe I needed to spend more money but fortunately I was able to meet some of the right people.
Kevin introduced me to some people who could help my dreams come true. If you remember from my finely crafted wish list I wanted a system that ran on auto pilot. I didn't want to have to worry about were the next project would come from
This was completely uncharted waters for one had ever done anything like this before. If they have they certainly were not sharing it with people like you and I.
I was able to brain storm with some of the most wicked smart business people you will ever meet. Together we put the finishing touches on the dream system I have been wanting for so long.
Of course the entire operation was run like delta covert operation. This will change so many industries that we were not going to run the risk of having it exposed before we finished.
The JuJu List is a private list of contractors who were known to be the best at what they do. This group of service providers truly did perform magic when it came to fixing or beautifying a space. The contractors who were part of the Juju list enjoyed a steady stream of projects that would pour into their email box automatically. They didn't have to worry about where the next project would come from...sometimes they had 15 or more projects waiting for them.
Fast forward to today and...
The Juju list has become too valuable to keep secret any longer
* I have floods of jobs pouring into my email box each day.
* At first I picked through the jobs that I needed but now I only choose the ones I feel like doing
* I am able to live a life most only dream of because of the ability to not stress over work
* I live in my dream home
* I can buy whatever I want
* I do what I want, when I want.
* I take vacations worldwide and see things most people dream about.
* I am able to give my family the life I've always wanted them to have.
* I am able to make an endless amount of income using the internet.
* I have no financial worries and I am completely secure and happy.
* I decided to release the Juju list so that others would benefit from it just as I have
I have so many contractors asking me how to use the internet that it became a full time project just keeping up with the questions...So With releasing the Juju list into the world I also released a training program, focused on contractors who want to create a following on the internet
For the first time ever I am going to release the coveted Juju list into the world so that you too can profit from it too!
Now we had to ramp up the program to make it work on a national scale.....there is a super secret amazing new piece of the puzzle that will feed you leads on auto pilet
You may not even believe anything I'm saying, and that's fine, because it's human nature to be cynical and think "it's too good to be true."
I'll prove to you that this system works...Check out the video below of my email box and how many job leads that pour into my mail box on a regular basis...have a look you too can have the same problems...
My friend... the world is changing rapidly and most contractors are not changing with the times. I am here to help you bring you business to the next level. I have done all of the work for you...all you need to do is take action and put the system to work for you.
What you do need to know is that last year alone the lead generation system we use sold 10,000,000 copies. Not all have been adapted to work with the construction field but it's only a matter of time before your competition finds this information and dips into the 10,000,000 pool
Why are more people using the internet to find information they need? Because it's easy..Just the other day I saw a commercial for a well known computer manufacturer where 4 and 5 year old kids were creating pictures and printing them out on their computers...4 and 5 year old' s!!!!
Now I don't know about you but I would bet that people who have grown up with computers are not going to grab a heavy yellow book when they need some sort of service on their homes or business.
What you'll learn when you join The Juju List is access to the same information I spent nearly 40 grand on these are the exact steps that you can put into action immediately and start seeing the results right away.
For those lucky enough to get involved now, the big question is -
How Can I Make This Work For Me?
I have the answer for you.
What you are about to discover (among many other things) the secure feeling you will have knowing that jobs are waiting for you when you need them. Never again will you need to wonder were the next project will come from
Pretty cool that you can almost put your business on auto pilot isn't it
Here's What's So Great About Being A
Juju List Member....
You have a luxury that has only been reserved for people who have built a network in their cities. Using the same old methods of advertising this can take YEARS to accomplish. I'm not sure about you but I want results NOW!!!!
You have the ability to pick your areas where you want to get leads from. Can the phone book do that for you?
How many times have you gotten a call and taken 5....10...maybe 15 minutes chatting with a potential client trying to figure out what they want. How much more productive would you be if you could see what your client was talking about...without taking a trip over to their home or business
Do these demographics fall into what you would consider a prime client?
The Juju List
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If they are Great.... they are the exact people who use our system!!!
We have done all the work for you and brought you these types of job leads on a consistent basis.
You can implement my program and never need to create your own website. But of course you should do that too...
Take a moment to realize just how incredible your life will be once you've taken advantage of The Juju List. The freedom you'll have to tailor your business and run it the way that you have always dreamed of.
I want you to think for a second what your perfect day would be like....that's where partnering with the Juju List will take you
Sign on with The Juju List risk free today!!!!
As you can see, what I am offering you is the most unique lead generation programs ever created for contractors. Nobody has been able to get the valuable information we can provide to you
This is the only training program in the world that is designed to do one thing and one thing only.
Here are some amazing benefits that this program will give you...
* Upon approval you will be GUARANTEED an immediate addition into our systems so you too will begin receiving job leads where you want to work.
* You will be able to access as many leads as you want
* You will have full access to our private members community area
* You will discover how to build your own contractor business on the internet
* You Control How Much Money You Make!
Remember, people will always need your service on their home or business no matter how bad the economy sucks. The problem is that the ones who can afford it just are not looking in the same places were you are advertising.
If you know how to check your email then you're well on your way to receiving more qualified and targeted leads then you could imagine.
So How Much Does This Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity Cost?
Well, let's first consider the true value of everything you will receive and have access to when you sign up to be included in the elite group of contractors on The Juju List
Considering I am going to roll the same skills that I paid almost $38,797.00 to learn, into the system that will drive targeted leads into your email box.
My Personal Guarantee To You
You Make Money Or It's Free
I like to keep it simple!!!
As soon as you submit your payment and are approved to be placed on The Juju List if you are not completely satisfied you may request a full refund of your joining fee with in the first 60 days of your membership.
That's Right, I said You'll Get Your Money Back!
I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that you do skyrocket in sales this year. The more money you make the more I make....Simple
I'm pledging that I will do everything I can to help make sure leads are driven to your email box...Do the other guys help you do that?
Each lead will only will be accessible to 4 other contractors in your field. Try getting the same results from the phone book!!! Newspaper!!!! or flyers...
With the help of my accountants and personal financial strategist, I am happy to tell you that I've been able to come up with a way to temporarily give you an insider deal that is simply irresistible! Normally a membership retails for between $350 and $495, but if you sign up today your small investment will be just $125.00.
But, knew that was coming.... there is one small catch... You can't just buy your way onto The Juju List. I've taken great steps to make sure this is an exclusive membership of qualified contractors
If you're Dead Serious about dramatically changing your financial situation Today, and you have all of the necessary licences, insurances, and workman's comp coverage you need to conduct business in your state, then you probably have what it takes to be included on the Juju list
Once you've started receiving our leads you'll wonder how you ever lived without them. We don't charge different prices for our a matter of fact right now each lead you choose to follow up on will only cost you $35.00. We are planning on raising that price in the near future. But don't worry that will only be for the new contractors who didn't take action immediately as you have. We will not raise your lead price as long as you keep a good standing with us on The Juju List.
This is the way that this will work....I'm not going to hide behind a curtain and not make any claims of making money...we are all in this to make money. I want you to find as many leads and make as much money as you can.
The way I see this is the more time you save with finding leads the more money you make... With the time you save I want you to come back and buy more leads so you can make even more money...we can help each other. I want that to be clear up front...I'm here to help you make money so that I make more money...So I am going to do every thing I can to help you make as much money as I can...
Be advised : This Special Offer May Expire At Any Time. . .
I'm not sure when we will raise the price on each be sure to get in on the action early.
I will lock you in at this low investment of $125.00 set up fee and $35.00 per lead for life.
When I start charging a higher lead fee in the future, it will not apply to you.
One thing that you may be wondering right now is if you, order will your membership will be safe and secure. I have gone to great lengths to insure your information is kept private. I will only send information to you that will help you make more money...
As soon as you click the button to join, you will be taken to our Risk-Free Order Form. Your order will be submitted on a 256bit secured processing server where you can safely enter your contact and payment information. It's very easy and quick to fill out and completely secure. You also will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire so that we know what types of leads you want and were you want to get them from
Yes Matt , I want to become a Juju List Member Start receiving targeted leads in my email box
Your only a few clicks away from joining the most effective lead generation systems ever created! After submitting payment you will be directed to your custom Juju account...were you pick were you want to get leads from.
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The next step is up to us. We are keeping up with things pretty well I would say. You should have an answer with in 24 hours. Again we stress the fact that we do check to qualify the contractors who we refer. Please do not waste our time or yours if you do not qualify as a legitimate contractor in your niche.
Your own username and password to gain access will be activated once we approve your application
Why Are You Still Reading This?
Here Are My Final Thoughts...
I know that the fee to join The Juju List might seem a bit much for some people. However based on the quality of targeted leads that we send out to you and the set price for leads you'll find it to be the easiest way to make money that you know
But... if you do have to struggle on such an amount... I have to tell you one thing:
That's the best reason of all for you to act on this opportunity right now!
Because how can you expect different results if you don't change something in your life. No more worries about finding future projects because they all end up right there in your mail box as soon as the request is made.
Ohh...I almost forgot!!!!
We also show you exactly how you are paid $62.50 for every contractor you refer to us...just two referrals and your initial investment has been paid for. Even after you have sent us over two contractors we still will pay you $62.50 for as many contractors as you send. This all is monitored by a third party company. So rest assured you will be sent your money on a by weekly basis. So let me ask you this...How many contractors do you know?
Listen to me, it's time to get out of any financial trouble you're in and begin making more money than you need. It's time you reach out for financial independence. If you don't, and you turn your back on this opportunity now, then how and when are things going to change for the better in your life? Think about it.
To your financial success,
Matthew Shields
P. S. Remember, we are signing up contractors across the country. Grab your piece of the action today before your competition does.
P.P.S. Sign up (it's risk-free) now, before the price goes up
P.P.S.S. One last thing I forgot to tell you what all of the trades are who we have represented on The Juju List are. If your in one of these fields then we need you:
Carpenters Maid Service
Concrete Painter
Drywall Plumber
Electricians Pool/Spa
Energy Conservation Commercial Drain Cleaning
Energy Conservation Residential Security Systems
Exterminators Siding
Foundation Solar Panels
Furnace/HVAC/Air Conditioning Tree Trimmer
Garage Door Repair Water Proofing
Handy Man Wind Turbine Installers
Landscape/Snow Removal Window/Door Replacement
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and it's potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, and don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.
Click Bank is a registered trademark of Keynetics Inc., a Delaware corporation. is not affiliated with Keynetics Inc. in any way, nor does Keynetics Inc. sponsor or approve any of The Juju List's services. Keynetics Inc. expresses no opinion as to the correctness of any of the statements made by in the materials on this Web page. Clickbank reserves the right to change their policies and procedures at any time, in any way without notice.
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